Thursday, July 16, 2015

Evaluation of General Sources

The following blogs will focus on addressing an important current topic not only in the field of Political Science, but also for the general American public.
The research question I wish to pose and attempt to answer: How do we address the issue of undocumented people living in the U.S? What approaches are realistic?
Righi, Michael. "We are not Criminals." May 1, 2007 via Flickr. Creative Commons Public Licence. 
The first source that caught my attention was a Politico article that looked at the issue of undocumented immigrants from a numbers and figures perspective. 

  • URL:
  • Author: David Rogers
  • Last Updated:2-10-15
  • Purpose: This article breaks down the numbers and analysis on what would happen if the 11+ million undocumented immigrants that are known to be living in the U.S were to be deported. Rogers goes on to explain that the Republican party which currently holds a majority in both chambers needs to come up with a budget upwards of $20 billion in order to be able to deport these individuals. Currently, this type of spending is unrealistic so another approach has to be taken in order to address the issue of undocumented immigrants. 
  • Graphics: The sole graphic specific to this article is that of Majority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell
  • Position on Subject: Rogers presents a very neutral and balanced view on this issue. He presents both the Republican and Democrat perspective by interviewing and quoting people who stand on an opposite spectrum relating to this issue and leaves it up to the audience to form their own opinions. 
  • Links: No links formed part of the article. 

The second source was from the International Business Times that looked at the issue of undocumented immigrants from a legal perspective. 

  • URL:
  • Author: Eben Blake
  • Last Updated:7-15-15
  • Purpose: This article talks about the new bill that Sen. McCain and Sen. Flake (both of Arizona) introduced to tackle the issue of what to do with undocumented criminals. Under this bill, undocumented immigrants arrested for serious crimes or convicted undocumented criminals would be deported within a 90 day time frame. 
  • Graphics: The graphic for this article is a photo of Sen. McCain and Majority Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Both men are senior political figures in the Senate.  
  • Position on Subject: In a similar fashion, Blake presents a very neutral and balanced view on this issue. While this is a Republican-sponsored bill he also includes the counterpoint of Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.  
  • Links: There are three links to this article. The first is the joint press release statement the Senators released. The second is a Washington Post article on San Francisco's sanctuary policy. The third is a Politico article on city that host sanctuaries. 


  1. This is awesome - really great and thorough analysis. And you're right about the broader relevance of this topic.

    I would like you to at least keep returning to this debate as something being argued about by people in your field specifically though, in addition to the larger context surrounding it. Just as a thought experiment that keeps your field and your studies at the center of your work..... Great stuff.

  2. Hello Professor Bottai,
    Thank you for the feedback. I have gone back to researching what Political Scientists have to say on this controversy so I will make sure to focus my attention on them rather than politicians in general.
