The first source I am going to summarize and briefly analyze is an article in The Policy Studies Journal titled, "Policy Climates, Enforcement Rates, and MigrantBehavior: Is Self-Deportation a ViableImmigration Policy?"
What is its purpose?
The purpose of this study was to try to answer whether or not higher enforcement rates and practices caused changes to migrant behaviors and whether self-deportation is a reasonable policy.Many policymakers focus on enforcement as the solution to address problems with undocumented immigrants. However, this study discovered that high rates of enforcement are unlikely to encourage undocumented immigrants to self-deport but rather to move from high enforcement cities and states.
Where was it published?
This source was published in The Policy Studies Journal's , Vol. 42, No. 1, 2014
What kind of sources are cited?
The vast majority of the 50+ sources cited are scholarly journals and articles from a wide range of topics such as; agriculture, labor, crime, economics, etc. There are also a few newspaper and documentaries that are cited,
Who is the author?
Rene R. Rocha, Daniel P. Hawes, Alisa Hicklin Fryar, and Robert D. Wrinkle. All of the authors are either associate professors of professors in the Political Science fields at various universities across the U.S.
Who is its intended audience?
I would say that people who also work in the academic field are the intended audiences because it breaks down the research question they pose in a very analytical and scientific way that not everyone would be able to follow along.
Source 2
Removal Roulette: Secure Communitiesand Immigration Enforcement in the UnitedStates (2008–2012) (scroll down to page 77) is an article under the book, Outside Justice: Immigration and the Criminalizing Impact of Changing Policy and Practice.
What is its purpose?
The purpose of this study was see how cooperation between local and federal law enforcement work on the issue of targeted versus universal immigrant enforcement policies and to determine which are more practical and effective.
Where was it published?
This source was published in Outside Justice: Immigration and the Criminalizing Impact of Changing Policy and Practice in 2013.
What kind of sources are cited?
The sources cited are scholarly journals and articles done under the umbrella of colleges and universities. Also there are several policy institutions that are cited.
Who is the author?
Juan Manuel Pedroza who works at Stanford University in California.
Who is its intended audience?
Once again the intended audience is a specific group that deals more with the legal aspects of immigrant detention and processing.
Magnus Manske. "ICE agents and detainees in Houston." February 2, 2010 via Wikipedia. Public Domain. Photo courtesy of ICE. |
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